
Quality Educators Matter

Educator Attrition

Educator Supply

Cost of Losing Educators



Cost of Losing Educators

As schools work to maintain a high quality educator workforce, the loss of an educator has a high cost, not just a monetary loss but also a loss for student achievement.

  • The Department of Labor estimates that attrition costs an employer 30% of the leaving employee’s salary. Using national data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the Alliance for Excellent Education estimates that each teacher leaving a school costs the district $12,546. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2005)

  • Schools with high rates of attrition cannot develop a strong, stable faculty to teach their students to high standards or to mentor their new teachers. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2004)

  • Consistent turnover in schools creates a lack of coherent community within the school where there can be ongoing progress toward school reform and effective interaction and collaboration among the teaching staff. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2004)

  • When experienced teachers leave teaching, they take with them the knowledge and experience needed to consistently improve student learning, the factors most closely assicated with student achievement. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2004)

  • Current research holds that new teachers require three to seven years to become effective teachers. When teachers leave within the first five years of teaching, schools struggle to develop a strong core of veteran teachers. (Alliance for Excellent Education, 2004)

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